Galileo, Darwin and the new enlightenment

Here are two interesting talks in Wellington next Sunday?

1.00 pm to 4.00 pm, Sunday 25 October 2009
Mezzanine Floor, Wellington Central Library

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3 responses to “Galileo, Darwin and the new enlightenment

  1. This looks worthwhile. Don’t think I’ll be in Wellington anytime soon 😦

    BTW here is an argument that creationists find forceful:

    “Why won’t you admit that evolution is just a theory?” the (creationist) teacher said to the scientist…
    And then, to hammer the point home, he added, “It’s not like gravity.”

    Fascinating discussion and deconstruction here. Especially when gaps in our understanding of gravity are mentioned eg. dark matter, dark energy


  2. you may like this new book:


  3. No Jessie – doesn’t interest me at all.


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