The Galileo fallacy and denigration of scientific consensus

Statue of Galileo outside the Uffizi, Florence

It’s one mark of the significance of Galileo to scientific progress that many myths about him exist even today. He seems to still be a focal point in  present day debates between science and religion, pseudoscience and magical thinking.

But one of the most cynical myths is the opportunist interpretation of his promotion of the Copernican heliocentric solar system as being simply a David vs Goliath struggle. And that Galileo was correct because he was standing up to the “orthodoxy,” or consensus, of the then “establishment.”

A recent example is that promoted by British playwright Richard Bean “who reckons  climate change science is junk, the findings alarmist, data frequently tortured into submission and the mainstream media not in a position to confront the complexity of the issue and question whether it’s really happening” (see Herald article Beyond belief). He said in his interview:

“Orthodoxy closes off thinking and if you can’t express an opinion or question an idea, well, Galileo is the perfect example of what happens.

“He declared that not everything revolves around the Earth and paid the price for his beliefs [he was tried by the Inquisition as a heretic, threatened with torture, was forced to recant and spent the rest of his life under house arrest] while human thinking and endeavour were held back.”

But this is wrong on 2 counts:

  1. It relies on the fact of being in the minority, of opposing the consensus, as being “proof” of correctness.
  2. It implies that because the user of the fallacy is in the minority and opposing the consensus then the user is correct. In  other words – “bugger the evidence, I must be right because I am coming out against the consensus.”

As Rational Wiki puts it:

“The Galileo gambit, or Galileo fallacy, is the notion that if you are vilified for your ideas, you must be right.”

It’s a favourite argument used by creationists, by climate change contrarians/deniers/ pseudosceptics (see the egregiously named Galileo Movement in Australia) and, as I have found lately, anti-fluoridationists. A way of claiming superiority while at the same time discounting, even denigrating, the wealth of scientific knowledge with which the user disagrees.

Being vilified doesn’t make you right

And, it didn’t make Galileo right in everything he advanced. Classically he made a big mistake with his theory of tides where he tried to use tides to “prove” the movement of the earth. He was wrong there, and probably wrong in many other places, like all great scientists . Those people comparing themselves to Galileo are opening themselves up to the charge that they are “proving” themselves wrong, and not right.

It’s about evidence, silly

The real lesson from Galileo is not to oppose the “establishment” or current scientific consensus – but to rely on evidence. It was this argument of his, which today most of us accept and see as almost self-evident, that describes Galileo’s real contribution to the progress of science.

His argument for the heliocentric solar system, and against a geocentric solar system, was really an argument of evidence against dogma, prevailing philosophy and the Church’s use of scripture. he expressed it very well in a letter to the Grand Duchess Christina in 1615. He said:

“I think that in disputes about natural phenomena one must begin not with the authority of scriptural passages, but with sense experiences and necessary demonstrations.  . . . and so it seems that a natural phenomenon which is placed before our eyes by sense experience or proved by necessary demonstrations should not be called into question, let alone condemned, on account of scriptural passages whose words appear to have a different meaning.”

He was arguing against the idea that science should be a handmaiden to, or slave of, religion. That for matters of the natural world, in astronomy for example, science trumped scripture (or its specific interpretation). And it did so because it was derived from experience, from interrogating reality, rather than relying on dogma and preconceived “revelations.”

So what about the “scientific consensus?”

Scientific authority no longer rests with the Church and religious philosophers, as it did in Galileo’s time. When we talk about scientific consensus today we usually refer to the widespread acceptance of a scientific idea, theory or facts based on evidence. The consensus on climate change represented by the reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), for example, are not dogma typical of Galileo’s time. It can in no way be compared with the consensus of theologians who rejected the Copernican heliocentric model of the solar system (see Consultant’s Report on Copernicanism (24 February 1616). It is in fact a consensus on the facts and conclusions based on an extremely thorough review of the scientific literature.

It is actually those people who use the Galileo gambit to support their own dogmatic, contrarian or pseudoscientific views who are not using evidence. They are relying on personal beliefs, religious ideas or magical thinking and not evidence. Their use of the Galileo gambit is a substitute for interrogating reality.

Of course, none of what I have said means that new ideas in science are never in the minority. obviously they often are – and must be fought for. But new ideas don’t win credibility by using the Galileo gambit, by arguing that just because they oppose the scientific consensus they must be right. They win credibility because their proponents gather the evidence that supports them, and evidence which conflicts with the prevailing ideas.

A minority viewpoint can and does win credibility because its proponents provide evidential support. The Galileo gambit is for losers.

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12 responses to “The Galileo fallacy and denigration of scientific consensus

  1. uknowispeaksense

    Reblogged this on uknowispeaksense.


  2. Just finished reading “Galileo’s Dream” by Kim Stanley Robinson… lots of fun with plenty of historical detail and great dramatisation of the political and religious forces at play in Galileo’s lifetime. Plus, time travel! 🙂


  3. Yes, I enjoyed that book too. I find good historical fiction can be an excellent way with catching up on the history as well as being entertained.


  4. Yes. Very good.


  5. Pingback: Galileo Gambit

  6. FYI: Reblogged at with a lot of ensuing discussion


  7. A bit of a staw-man argument here. Those of us who challenge the AGW theory do NOT claim being villified (or in the minority) is proof of being rigtht. Surely you have not deliberately misrepresented our point? Our point is that consensus does not prove a theory either. I speak with a lot of people about climate change. Many are credulous and accept arguments uncritically. This is regrettable, because so much so-called evidence should be challenged and tested. So much science is left out of the argument.And every AGW advocate I have talked to raises the consensus issue in their favor. Einstein and Newton never had to defend their theories using the consensus argument.


  8. Sure, Dan, consensus does not prove a concept right – nor does it prove it wrong. But in such a complex area governments are wise to seek a consensus view.

    And it’s best to seek that consensus from the very people who are dealing with the data, the facts, and the best science – rather than just opinion.

    You seem to ignore that what is seen as the current scientific consensus on this issue has been obtained from a critical and intelligent consideration of the evidence and the testing if ideas, hypotheses.

    It is not convincing to make the claim Einstein, Newton and Galileo did not rely on consensus to somehow discredit the scientifically based current consensus. You have to do better than that in challenging and testing ideas.


  9. Those of us who challenge the AGW theory do NOT claim being villified (or in the minority) is proof of being rigtht.


  10. It is not convincing to make the claim Einstein, Newton and Galileo did not rely on consensus to somehow discredit the scientifically based current consensus. You have to do better than that in challenging and testing ideas.

    No 8: 5 points for each mention of “Einstien”, “Hawkins” or “Feynmann”.

    No 35: 40 points for comparing yourself to Galileo, suggesting that a modern-day Inquisition is hard at work on your case, and so on.

    The Crackpot Index


  11. “It is in fact a consensus on the facts and conclusions based on an extremely thorough review of the scientific literature.” Shouldn’t all validated sources be taken into consideration, rather than just those of their peers?


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