
All things bright and beautiful

4 responses to “All things bright and beautiful

  1. Yep. Whenever you are appreciating beauty in the world be sure to remember that boy with a worm in his eye, whose parents have just been executed for reading books, who is watching his puppy get shot, and has just found out all of his friends have cancer, and is being raped by the local medicine man…. how dare you enjoy anything when this is going on your selfish bastards! 😉


  2. Whenever you are appreciating beauty in the world…how dare you enjoy anything

    You are confused. Read the quote rather than create your own private strawman.

    “Why don’t you admit that the humming bird, the butterfly, the bird of paradise are proof of the wonderful things produced by creation?
    The creator God that you believe in, presumeably, also made that little worm.”

    See? Nothing to do with “appreciating beauty” or “enjoying anything”.
    You can’t accomodate it either, just like Attenborough.


  3. “…anything you say can and will be held against you”. I say “I like strawberry Ice cream” and you then say, “why do you hate vanilla ice cream”.

    I read an article here suggesting the use of the scientific method to ‘test’ for God. Can one fathom the creator? Can an ant fathom a neighborhood block, let alone an entire city? 100 years ago, scientist today would’ve been killed for suggesting and talking about things we know today like sending images through the sky. 100 yrs. ago we did not have the ability to understand nor comprehend what we know today. How then…how can one make comments belittling God, who (for what it’s worth) embodies all that was and all that is ever to be? At what point does discovery end? It would suffice for those disregarding God in favor of ‘science’ to conclude that science as they know it would testify that (you) would be foolish to belittle the ‘magic’ (as some mockingly state it) of God, when they very science you rely on was also thought of as foolish, at a point in time. How can one put limits on discovery, yet use discovery as their proof?


  4. “I read an article here suggesting the use of the scientific method to ‘test’ for magic. Can one fathom magic? Can an ant fathom a neighborhood block, let alone an entire city? 100 years ago, scientist today would’ve been killed for suggesting and talking about things we know today like sending images through the sky. 100 yrs. ago we did not have the ability to understand nor comprehend what we know today. How then…how can one make comments belittling magic, which (for what it’s worth) embodies all that was and all that is ever to be? At what point does discovery end? It would suffice for those disregarding magic in favor of ‘science’ to conclude that science as they know it would testify that (you) would be foolish to belittle the ‘magic’ (as some mockingly state it) of magic, when they very science you rely on was also thought of as foolish, at a point in time. How can one put limits on discovery, yet use discovery as their proof?”

    Happy, happy me.


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