I am still waiting for my cheque

LiarI have often said I wonder how some of the anti-science propagandists sleep straight in their beds at night. Lately this refers to various members of the local anti-fluoridation movement and their claims.

Pity I am not the litigious sort – there could be a bit of money in a recent claim because it slanders me, and a fellow SciBlogger, personally

Lynn Jordan, the Wellington representative of Fluoride Free NZ recently declared (under her on-line pseudonym “Penelope Paisley”) on Fluoride Free Hamilton NZ:

Penelope Paisley Peter- you asked what Debz and Ken get out of it. Ken and Alison are getting paid to blog about fluoridation. “

As I said, I am still waiting for my cheque.

Apparently Lynn’s “evidence” for this is the fact that this blog, and Alison’s Bioblog, are both syndicated on the NZ SciBlog platform as Open Parachute and  BioBlog.

I certainly appreciate my association with NZ SciBlogs, and I am sure Alison does to. But neither of us expect payment – nor is SciBlogs in a position to pay its syndicated bloggers or its full bloggers (of which there are now quite a few  –  check them out).

Lyn may not like the fact that Alison and I have blogged about the scientific aspects of fluoridation, and in the process revealed the misinformation and distortion promoted by Lynn and her fellow activists, but that does not provide a basis for her claim. She is simply telling porkies in an attempt to shoot the messengers and avoid the message.

Why is “Penelope” telling porkies?

At this stage I have no interest in making an income, either through blogging or anything else. It feels good as a retiree not to feel obliged to support, or suffer the control of, an employer. Of course, it may well be different for Lynn. In my post The irony of some peer-review and citation complaints I wrote this about her:

“Penelope” is the on-line name used by Lynn Jordan – the  Fluoride Free NZ Committee member for Wellington. She also practices as a  cranio-sacral therapist in Wellington. Cranial-sacral therapy is an alternative or “natural” therapy which Edzard Ernst  described as more or less bogus (see Up the garden path: craniosacral therapy).

Obviously she has ideological and financial committment to the “natural” health business. She relies on it for her income. If you were spiteful you might even think  she is paid to advance propaganda and to attack those who support an evidence based approach to health. But I wouldn’t possibly make that claim.

By the way, in the best tradition of astroturfing, Lynn  often sends submissions to councils opposing fluoridation under the name of an organisation NZ Health Professionals Opposing Fluoridation. What the hell is a “cranial-sacral therapist doing representing health professionals? I leave that to your imagination but it hardly adds credibility, does it?

Mind you, many councillors seem to be gullible. They certainly were in Hamilton last year.

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8 responses to “I am still waiting for my cheque

  1. Poor old Ken still stuck in the mud and the mire . . . I know of children who have had dramatic improvement in their health and well being after just a few visits to a cranio-sacral therapist after all else had failed . . . as the father of quantum physics, Werner Heisenberg, is quoted as saying “The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will make you an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you.” I think you septic skeptics are merely sipping at the top still . . . . sad . . .. :}


  2. So your love for cranio-sacral therapy gives these therapists the right to slander honest people and to form astroturf groups and tell lies to councils, does it greenbuzzer?


  3. whilst I enjoy all this banter it would appear poor old Ken is stuck in negative mode instead of having an open mind about all things; he immediately vetoes things. Do you know as an aside I had cranial sacral therapy just last week, it works with me, but that may be because I am a believer. Also the Bowen Therapy has saved many lives, so it isn’t as if some natural therapies don’t work. I am highly sensitive to all things chemical, so where does that put me in the box where you have placed all humanity? Actually, I believe you are a stirrer and just wanting to hear what people come up with. Have fun, I don’t come on here very often, it is too draining on one’s energy. Although I do get a lot of laughs mainly from your angry retorts Ken. Keep your sense of humour.


  4. Cindy, I think you are so upset that I didn’t give cranial-sacral therapy the overwhelming endorsement you think it deserves you missed the point of the article – the slander Lynn is spreading about honest scientific bloggers and her own dishonesty in forming an astroturf organisation aimed at bamboozling councillors.

    As for my sense of humour – I still have it. These sort of attacks are laughable.


  5. I am highly sensitive to all things chemical, so where does that put me

    Firmly in the Stupid box.


  6. Like you, Ken, I’m still waiting for the cheque.

    Craniosacral therapy appears to be based on the idea that the flow of craniosacral fluid can be affected by ‘therapeutic touch’; associated with this is the notion that practitioners can manipulate the joints between the cranial plates. Considering a) that these plates fuse in adulthood, & b) the touches are ‘light’, this seems unlikely in the extreme.


  7. Take one gulp then turn the glass over to gaze at your god. That is futile, probably dangerous and at least unsatisfactory.


  8. Craniosacral therapists claim to be able to affect the flow of cerebrospinal fluid deep within the brain. This is in spite of the CSF being deep within the skull, vertebral column, brain and spinal cord. (Images of fingers stirring the grey and white matter of the brain – shudder).

    There is a real medical problem where the flow of CSF is truly disordered. It’s called hydrocephalus. If there was any reality behind craniosacral therapy, as opposed to magical thinking, then hydrocephalus would be easily cured by any craniosacral therapist.

    Oddly enough, no craniosacral therapist has ever been able to make any difference to the outcome of someone with hydrocephalus. It’s exactly as if craniosacral therapy has no action whatsoever.

    Since neurosurgeons actually can help with hydrocephalus, I don’t think they’ll be hanging up their ventriculoperitoneal shunts any time soon.


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