Fluoridation articles

Some of the anti-fluoridation propaganda can get pretty extreme. Even the less extreme material is often misleading.

I have collected below links to my articles where I debunk these myths and expose the misinformation.

For a shorter list organised by category go to Fluoridation.

46 responses to “Fluoridation articles

  1. Pingback: Hamilton City Council reverses referendum fluoridation decision | Open Parachute

  2. Pingback: Tactics and common arguments of the anti-fluoridationists | Open Parachute

  3. Pingback: Scientists, political activism and the scientific ethos | Open Parachute

  4. Pingback: Will Hamiltonians finally get a voice on fluoridation? | Open Parachute

  5. Pingback: Is fluoride an essential dietary mineral? | Open Parachute

  6. Pingback: Getting a grip on the science behind claims about fluoridation | Open Parachute

  7. Pingback: Fluoridation – it does reduce tooth decay | Open Parachute

  8. Pingback: Fluoridation petition – for Hamilton citizens | Open Parachute

  9. Pingback: Poisoning the well with a caricature of science | Open Parachute

  10. Pingback: Fluoridation – the violation of rights argument. | Open Parachute

  11. Pingback: Fluoridation and conspiracy theories | Open Parachute

  12. Pingback: Fluoridation – an organised campaign to misinform. | Open Parachute

  13. Pingback: Fluoridation – topical confusion | Open Parachute

  14. Pingback: Hamilton gets its fluoridation referendum | Open Parachute

  15. Pingback: Debunking anti-fluoridation myths | Open Parachute

  16. Pingback: Is fluoridated water a medicine? | Open Parachute

  17. The last graphic is pretty funny when you think about it. Most are repetitions of previous points, re-worded. And the call fluoridated people the stupid ones!

    They love to make that claim over apathy and a loss of motivation etc, but none refer to anything but Naiz delusions. Why was Brisbane never the epicentre of business in Aust, when it was the only capital city non-fluoridated; surely the public of the other capital cities were too sedated for enterprise…

    I’ll link to this page tomorrow.


  18. Pingback: Another excellent resource debunking anti-fluoride myths | New Anthropocene

  19. Pingback: Water treatment chemicals – why pick on fluoride? | Open Parachute

  20. Pingback: Topical confusion persists | Open Parachute

  21. Pingback: Hamilton – the water is the problem, not the fluoride! | Open Parachute

  22. Pingback: Anti-fluoridation study flawed – petition rejected | Open Parachute

  23. Pingback: Fluoride sensitivity – all in the mind? | Open Parachute

  24. Pingback: Experts speak out on fluoridation | Open Parachute

  25. Pingback: Anti-fluoride activists attempt to silence science | Open Parachute

  26. Pingback: Anti-fluoridationist astro-turfing and media manipulation. | Open Parachute

  27. Pingback: Cherry picking fluoridation data | Open Parachute

  28. Pingback: Activists peddle chemical misinformation for fluoridation referenda | Open Parachute

  29. Pingback: Dentists you can trust? | Open Parachute

  30. Pingback: Welcome counter to scientific and health misinformation | Open Parachute

  31. Pingback: When politicians and bureaucrats decide the science | Open Parachute

  32. Pingback: Fluoridation – the IQ myth | Open Parachute

  33. Pingback: NZ experts deplore anti-fluoridation misrepresentation of science | Open Parachute

  34. Pingback: Anatomy of an anti-fluoridation myth | Open Parachute

  35. Pingback: Fluoridation: the hip fracture deception | Open Parachute

  36. Pingback: Cyber bullying of science | Open Parachute

  37. Pingback: Fluoride – friend or foe: a lecture | Open Parachute

  38. Pingback: Fluoridation: Hangout with the University of Waikato | Open Parachute

  39. Pingback: ▶ Anti-fluoridation porkies – Mullinex’s rats | Open Parachute

  40. Pingback: The fluoride debate – introduction | Open Parachute

  41. Pingback: Fluoride debate Part 1: Connett | Open Parachute

  42. Pingback: Fluoride debate Part 1: Perrott | Open Parachute

  43. Pingback: The appeal to common sense – garbage in the guise of gumption | Science or not?

  44. Pingback: Xiphoid Dementia Secular Hymns For Weddings | The Brain Improvement

  45. O just wonder where Ken gets his salary from.


  46. No need to wonder, Sandra – just ask. Or look at the About Me page.

    Who pays you, by the way?


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