No God? No Worries -Yeah right

It seems that the highly successful fund-raising campaign for the atheist buses in London is sparking campaigns in other countries. The latest organised by Sydney Atheists has a typically Australian slogan -“No God? No Worries!”

via Critical Mass: Sydney Atheists Advertising Campaign.

And in New Zealand – have a look at Christians around New Zealand can take a joke.

See also:
“Probably” no God – probably acceptable
Being good for goodness’ sake

8 responses to “No God? No Worries -Yeah right

  1. I like “No G-d? No Worries!”, its got a nice twist on the slang for some of us without a belief in G-d.

    Excuse me Ken, if I elaborate on this for those overseas: worry that they might not “get” the full picture!

    For those outside of Australasia, “no worries” is a slang expression with a bit of a “catch-all” meaning depending on it’s use along the lines of “no harm done”, “no problem at all”, etc. It’s widely used in Australia and (to a lesser extent in) New Zealand.

    The “Yeah, right” is sarcastic, not as in “a positive question”, i.e. not inflected on the “right”.

    The adverts are meant to be cheeky and push the boundaries. November’s winner was “Australians: great winners, gracious losers. Yeah, right” 🙂 New Zealanders like to have a friendly dig at Australians… I believe they once ran “Its not a cult, its a Church. Yeah Right.” (Possibly in reference to a local church cult. The topics are often very topical and local, with the signs sometimes reflecting current local issues in particular cities. The slogans are supposed to be “friendly” to a younger male beer drinker (their target market). To give you some idea, they also run a “Tui Girl” contest. I don’t think I’d be too amiss to say “think along the lines of the Bond girls”.


  2. My favourite (a year or two back now) was ‘ “I past NCEA Inglish” – yeah, right!’ 🙂


  3. PS & I have to say (again) – to me, that Tui sign was pointing out how Christmas has become drenched in commercialism, which I would have thought a message the churches would have supported. Maybe it’s just too subtle for most?


  4. For what it’s worth, as a Christian talk-back host on Christian radio here in NZ, I spent almost 2 hours last Sunday on the radio arguing why I had no real problem with the billboards and that if we want the right to be able to talk about what we want to, then we need to allow others the right to speak their mind.

    A thing often missed or not noted (as with the Canterbury Atheists article you linked to, Ken… not exactly the best blog to represent a reasonable point of view) is that when such things arise and a bunch of people complain, those people don’t represent all Christians. But often it’s painted as “those Christians”. In fact, MOST of the Christians who called my show last Sunday evening were supportive of the billboards and the ones who tried to argue were faced with a fairly robust response.

    Canterbury Atheists has taken a cheap shot by once again expressing the ignorance that is unable to note the diverse thought that exists amongst Christians and in so doing, we’re all painted as “thin-skinned”. There are many Christians who thought the Tui billboard was brilliant and were sad to see it go.

    I find it interesting that a robust and well thought out blog like this would link its readers to shallow comment like that represented at Canterbury Atheist. That blog is simply alarmist.


  5. Sure, Hitler kills millions and puts a bullet in his brain – no worries.


  6. The Tui ad was quite clever, and yes, subtle.
    I think you would find that most Christians would have supported it. Were there several around Auckland? and elsewhere? How long did they stay up?


  7. @ Ross – we had one in Hamilton, so I’m sure they were in Auckland & other places as well. It lasted about a week 😦


  8. @ Frank – December 14, 2008 at 6:09 pm

    I would be the last to deny diverse viewpoints amongst Christians. In fact, I don’t think I could define “Christian” in a way that would be acceptable to most people claiming adherence.

    And this is true of any named ideology. Just try and find an acceptable definition for all socialists, communists, etc.

    I am also painfully aware of the blanket labelling that goes on – it leads to misunderstanding and ignorance – as well as dogmatism. It’s a reason why I avoid most labels – although this doesn’t stop commenters telling me what I “really think.”

    However, I think you should appreciate my linking to Canterbury Atheists in the spirit of your point “we need to allow others the right to speak their mind.” Clearly, my assessment of this site will differ from yours – but that’s OK. Let’s judge everyone’s argument on the basis of supporting evidence


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