Rapid change in attitudes to marriage equality


Click the image to go to the video (unfortunately I can’t embed the video here).

The video demonstrates “The Stunning 15-Year March to Marriage Equality Around the World.” And it certainly shows how rapid this change in community values has been.

I suppose many people will look at the map and feel they occupy the moral high ground because we are citizens of a country that has accepted marriage equality. The map certainly differentiates between those who have accepted and those who haven’t.

But the very rapidity of this change in community values is also a lesson. We should expect more countries to accept marriage equality in the near future. and secondly, we should be a bit humble and not make judgments on people and countries who have not yet accepted marriage equality.

After all, we were in that position a very short time ago.

Thanks to:  Same-sex marriage world map: Countries where gay unions are permitted after Supreme Court (VIDEO)..


One response to “Rapid change in attitudes to marriage equality

  1. I wonder how the life of Vladimir Horowitz, one of the world’s greatest pianists, would have been different if homosexuality had been accepted then, any he wouldn’t have had to get treatment for it, and depression maybe, and electroconvulsive treatment and years out of his life.


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