Education should never validate ignorance

Quite a concise and clear argument from Lawrence Krauss on the silly idea of giving equal time to creationism in a science classes (a big problem in his country – the USA). As he points out – the role of education is to overcome ignorance – not confirm it.

Teaching kids that the earth is 6000 years old, just because (in the USA) half the population believes it, is only validating ignorance. The fact is that half of the US population does not think the earth orbits the sun – they are clearly wrong but should that widespread belief mean that kids must be taught that mistake in their science classes?

Of course not.

That would be validating ignorance and is a form of child abuse.

Lawrence Krauss: Teaching Creationism is Child Abuse

7 responses to “Education should never validate ignorance

  1. Teaching kids that we have “Global Warming, caused by man made carbon emissions” is also dishonest and child abuse. As is teaching them that invading Libya and Syria (by using CIA/MI6 hired/paid ‘Al Qaeda’ murderers) is heroic and for ‘World Peace’. Teaching them we live in “Free Market Democracies”, when we now know 6 megabanks control LIBOR and all money printing for their own gain is also a lie. Teaching them that “Obama” is a liberal and peaceful man is also a lie, when we now know he is a bigger war criminal then GW Bush, and signs off on drone attacks each day at breakfast which murder an innocent 17 people on average each time. Just how far do we we want to go on this topic? Yeah, lets start teaching our kids the truth!! he cries. Dude, 90% of adults are oblivious to the truth – this entire website being a very, very good example.


  2. James’s comment should provoke some thoughtful discussion.


  3. But, apparently, not from you, Phil?


  4. OK, James, you obviously are pushing a political barrow, so I’ll just take the scientific issue.

    If kids are to be taught about the climate and climate changes in science classes then they should be taught the facts of the science, not opinion or popular belief – no matter how extensive. Same story as with evolutionary science.

    Fortunately, although climate and climate change is a very complex issue the science has been, and continues to be, thoroughly reviewed. The resulting reviews and conclusions are published by the IPCC as documents for the use of governments and policy advisers.

    There is a lot of consensus in the IPCC findings, their conclusions are quite moderate and conservative. And they are careful to identify areas where more research is required.

    Now what do you think? Should schools use the scientifically accepted IPCC findings in their science classes when teaching about climate change? Or should they take the views of a few politicians and deniers?

    I think the answer is clear, don’t you?


  5. I didn’t actually believe the “50% of Americans believe in Creationism” until I found this article in The Daily Mail

    This bit caught my eye:

    The new data reveals that more Americans think President Barack Obama is a Muslim than believe in the theory of evolution. More Americans also believe in witches with magical powers, too.

    Oh boy.


  6. Pingback: Teaching Creationism Is ‘Child Abuse,’ Says Prominent Physicist « The Age of Blasphemy

  7. Pingback: Lawrence Krauss: Teaching Creationism is Child Abuse | The Call of Troythulu

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