Our world from the International Space Station


Photo by Chris Hadfield / NASA: Lake Baikal, Siberia. Immensely old and deep, it holds one-fifth of all the Earth’s fresh water. 26 Feb 2013, 7:31 PM (Click photo to enlarge)

Anyone following Chris Hadfield (@Cmdr_Hadfield) on Twitter will have seen some of his gorgeous photos taken from the International Space Station (ISS). Somebody should collect them together so we can browse them.

Well, someone has done that with photos taken by Hadfield and other members of the ISS crew. Have a look at the web site Our World From The ISS or click the screen image below.


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12 responses to “Our world from the International Space Station

  1. One of the things that disappoints me is that NASA no longer uses the Shuttle to get crew to and from the ISS. They have to use Soyuz


  2. Mind you – the Soyuz has proved cheaper, safer and more reliable – although I agree the launches and landings of the Shuttle were dramatic. I was impressed with the recent Soyuz landing – 3 and half hours from leaving the ISS to landing in Kazakhstan. And currently they reach the ISS after launching much more quickly too.


  3. Good point Ken. Maybe NASA are actually an overbloated bureaucracy that has outlived its sell by date

    Shame, I still remember the glory days


  4. This is a very cool 25 min video from the departing commander of the ISS


  5. Shame, I still remember the glory days

    You can remember as far back as 6 August 2012?


  6. You can remember as far back as 6 August 2012?

    Ah, but if you measure it in shrew years… 😉

    Speaking of NASA, what else are they famous for?
    Oh yes, I remember now…

    Mars Attacks!!!


  7. By glory days, I was referring to the years leading up to the moon landings

    Admittedly, the Mars mission was impressive, but given the relative advances in technology since the 60s not so much. After all, the average mobile phone today has more computing power than was carried on the Apollo missions.


  8. The average mobile phone has more computing power than the latest Curiosity rover on mars. There are reason for this to do with reliability, radiation hardening, and development times.

    I actually think that current projects by NASA in deep space missions, Mars, Mercury, Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, the asteroids, etc are pretty impressive. Then there are the impressive orbiting telescopes and sun observations.

    One could say that their “glory days” are current.

    After all the science is far more impressiveness – the moon landings were political and militarily motivated and the near earth manned missions of limited scientific value.


  9. The average mobile phone has more computing power than the latest Curiosity rover on mars

    Do you have some evidence for this Ken? It seems a little unlikely that they couldn’t pack in a quad core motherboard the size of a smartphone.
    After all, Curiosity has a plutonium power pack. You’d think that would require some fairly sophisticated computing, not to mention the sky crane and the whole landing mechanism.


  10. That article sort of confirms my point, Phil. I had read it, I think, in the press kit about Curiosity from NASA or JPL.

    By he way, thanks for the video about the ISS – I thought she did an excellent job of showing us around. Very thorough.


  11. That map now has 1035 pins. Lots of info in the Details pane (where you’ll find links for subsequent ISS expeditions). Thanks for the story – Dave


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