Tag Archives: P Z Myers

Should Dawkins have been Expelled?

Have these intelligent design/creationists lost the plot?

For a long time they have identified evolutionary biologists Richard Dawkins as their prime enemy. I would think they would recognise the man (although their habit of publishing edited videos and manipulated images of him on their websites may have blunted their recognition.

But have a look at this ironic story from Prof. P. Z Myers. Myers was today turned away from a pre-release showing of the creeationist propaganda movie Expelled. When it came for his turn to sign in and show his ID an official told him that he had been denied permission to attend by the film’s producer. Myers was expelled form the Expelled showing.

However, this official was so busy evicting Myers they did not notice his guest – Richard Dawkins. Prof. Dawkins was admitted to the showing.

Or was the ‘oversight’ due to Dawkins impending retirement?

Now, Dawkins was one of the scientists who was dishonestly interviewed for this film (the interviewers misrepresented their purpose) and his comments were no doubt be badly misrepresented in the film. So his comments on the film will be interesting.

Go to P Z Myers blog (Pharyngula) and his positing EXPELLED! for more on this unfolding story.

Also, keep your eyes on RichardDawkins.net for a possible interesting review of Expelled.

Have a look at So what does Dawkins think of “Expelled” for Richard dawkins initial comments.