Is anyone listening?


Thanks to: Twitter / SonyKapoor: “Is this mic actually on?” ….

3 responses to “Is anyone listening?

  1. What if there’s a reason why we’ve never picked up signals from other intelligent species on other planets?

    What if that reason is that once intelligent races achieve a certain technological state, they either go out in a *bang* (atomic war) or a *whimper* (total environmental degradation)?

    What if most races might survive the prospect of atomic self-destruction – but like the proverbial frog-in-a-pot-of-heating-water, they are oblivious to the slow effects of pollution, climate change, and eco-system collapse – until it is too late.

    What if the galaxy, and beyond, is a grave-yard of failed civilisations that could not recognise the limitations of industrustrialisation and consumerism?

    Yes, there may well be a reason we’ve never heard from aliens. They (and we) may think we’re oh-so very clever technologically – but when self-interest and partisanship over-rules science, industrialisation becomes a road to slow self-destruction.

    It’s awfully quiet out there, isn’t it?


  2. What if there’s a reason why we’ve never picked up signals from other intelligent species on other planets?

    There aren’t any?


  3. What if…


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