A day for cheap shots

What do you think of the Pope resigning? Yes, I know a lot jokes are circulating today and this might be considered a cheap shot.

But my first reaction was one of surprise – does his employment contract require only 2 weeks notice? Bloody hell, in New Zealand such short notice is usually reserved for casual labour.

I sort of expected far more notice – after all his job description did include infallibility, and a direct line with his god. And the clothing allowance must have been huge. I suspect the golden parachute in his severance clause is also pretty big.

My second reaction to the news was – is Benny a secret member of the Clergy Project. That’s a confidential on-line community for active and former clergy who have lost their supernatural beliefs. The community provides moral support and helps them with the huge adjustments resignation might require. After all, their former job required very few skills.

Saw this photograph on Facebook which suggests he might be:

Pope resigns

Credit: Shannon Phipps.

Mind you, the Onion accepts the public excuse of advancing age. In today’s article Resigning Pope No Longer Has Strength To Lead Church Backward they say the Pope has:

concluded that his declining faculties left him unable to helm the Church’s ambitious regressive agenda and guide the faith’s one billion global followers on their steady march away from modernity and cultural advancement.

“It is with sadness, but steadfast conviction, that I announce I am no longer capable of impeding social progress with the energy and endurance that is required of the highest ministry in the Roman Catholic Church,” Benedict reportedly said in Latin to the Vatican’s highest cardinals. “While I’m proud of the strides the Church has made over the past eight years, from thwarting AIDS-prevention efforts in Africa to failing to punish or even admit to decades of sexual abuse of children at the hands of clergy, it has become evident to me that, in this rapidly evolving world, I now lack the capacity to continue guiding this faith back centuries.”

“Thus, I must step down from the papacy,” he added. “But let me assure every member of the Church that the Vatican’s commitment to narrow-mindedness and social obstruction will long live on after my departure.”

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2 responses to “A day for cheap shots

  1. Surely there must be a few good conspiracy theory type ideas out there. Was he blackmailed by somebody within the hierarchy over his own past sexual transgressions because a Vatican coterie believes he has become too ineffective?


  2. Seems like time for a change. When the next pope takes over, she can opt for a five year term, being aged only 50 and looking for a relaxed retirement at 65. She can also give up infallibility, which after all goes only back to the 1870s, and seemed a bit extreme even then. She can renounce the Lateran Treaty of 1929, which makes the vatican a sovereign state. This is a relic of fascist Italy, and really no longer appropriate. Then… the Italian banking regulators can dig into the vatican bank and its mafia connections… the Italian police can dig into the allegations of murder around pope JP2’s death..and Interpol can dig into pedophile priest coverup details in earnest.

    That should be enough to begin with!

    Dream on..;)


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