Tag Archives: Darth Vader

Get in line – who is the odd one out?

Picked this up from The freethinker (Caption this picture – and win a copy of ‘God Hates You – Hate Him Back’). Apparently it’s a genuine, un-Photoshopped picture. A fella in Darth Vader gear who fell into step with a flock of ecclesiastical coves out for a stroll.

Well, they are offering a prize for a suitable caption. Closing date for entries is February 8.

I am a bit slow today so nothing brilliant comes to mind. But I am sure there will be some great captions produced.

Actually, I just find the get-up of the five guys in front hilarious. Sillier than that one bringing up the rear.


Came across a video of the procession – “Darth Vadar joins a cult.” (Thanks to Exploring Our Matrix).


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