Cassini plunges into Saturn tonight – a grand finale

Starting at 10.31 pm NZ time tonight

Key Events

Sept 15:

10:31a.m. UTC (3:31 am PDT) – Cassini’s final entry into Saturn’s atmosphere begins

10:32 a.m. UTC (3:32 a.m. PDT) – Spacecraft loss of signal comes one minute later

11:55a.m. UTC (4:55 a.m. PDT) – Predicted final loss of signal on Earth

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One response to “Cassini plunges into Saturn tonight – a grand finale

  1. I’ve been getting Cassini’s weekly emails for more years than I can remember. I actually read them. Been such a great mission; will be sad to see it end. Just wish it didn’t take so long to get the follow-up missions launched.

    I’m running out of time, but hope I’m around to at least see the first manned mission to Mars – will probably me SpaceX, not Nasa – and NASA probes to the satellites where there may be life in the oceans, thanks to Cassini’s data..


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