Tag Archives: Julia Gillard

The arrogance of supernatural privilege

I’ve often criticised the arrogance of some of those with a supernatural ideology. Their claims of special access to the “Truth,” to morality, etc. But I get especially angry when this arrogance rides roughshod over the most innocent and vulnerable people in society. Our children.

 Recently the Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard announced a Royal Commission to uncover the truth about sexual abuse of children in Australia. This is a response to the public outrage against revelations and accusations of paedophilia and its cover up by a number of institutions with responsibility for care of children  – including Churches. The commission has generally been welcomed across the political spectrum with the strongest concern being that it should get to work and produce results quickly. That it shouldn’t dawdle on for decades and itself contribute to the cover up.

 So I was shocked to see a local blogger, Kereopa at beingfrank, interpret this commission as “persecution” of the Catholic church (see Persecution begins against the Catholic Church in Australia)! Talk about (guilty) paranoia. Gillard made clear that the Catholic Church was not the only institution targeted. That its scope would cover:

 “all institutions, including religious institutions, state-based organisations, schools and not-for-profit groups such as scouts and sporting clubs. It will also look at the response of child services agencies and the police to accusations of abuse.”

 So what does Kereopa want? Exclusion of the Catholic Church from such an inquiry? And how can she/he justify that? Because of its supernatural privilege? That it must be protected from such accusations and investigations because it is “sacred?”

 How else can Kereopa interpret an objective investigation of all bodies as persecution of his/her own organisation?

 Plain supernatural arrogance. Arrogance which is medieval and in this day and age deserves only a laugh. Why should the Catholic Church be exempt from such investigations, immune to even accusations or concerns? Especially as we now know its functionaries have often sexually abused the children in their care. And the organisation has often denied these crimes, protected the criminals and gone to great efforts to cover up the crimes. To the extent of allowing the crimes to continue and usually slandering the victims in the process.

As if to rub the salt into the psychological wounds of the victims of this child abuse, apologists for the Catholic Church have been frantically attempting to defend the supernatural privilege of confessions, the seal of the confessional. To protect this from investigations by the Royal Commission. They think their obligation to protect children in their care can be superseded by mythical supernatural claptrap.  Here’s how blogger Lucia Maria at New Zealand Conservative argues for a privilege of exempting Catholic confessions from the law:

“Confession is where a person is forgiven of their sins so that they are able to enter eternal life (ie not go to Hell). The priest represents our Lord Jesus Christ, and has been given the power to forgive sins.”

So, put a guy in a dress and give him a cross and he can represent a god! And you then claim that such a claim supersedes the rights of the victim? Innocent and defenceless children? Or the rights of society to get justice?

Who do these people think they are fooling – or even talking to? Most of us just don’t share their particular brand of supernaturalism. We are not convinced they have special privileges putting them above the law. Their talk of angels, hell and heaven don’t convince us that they should not have to obey the same laws we do. Especially when it comes to protecting our children.

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Are you offended yet?

Loved this from a commenter on The Sensuous Curmudgeon’s recent post How Librarians Classify Creationism. Apparently his favourite librarian had a sign prominently displayed in the library which reads:


On the same subject – ever notice how those who are most offended usually seem oblivious to the offence they cause others? If you haven’t already seen this video you will enjoy how Australia Prime Minister Julia Gillard puts the leader of the Opposition, Tony Abbott, in his place over the offence he has caused many Australian women.

Julia Gillard’s Speech Over Oppon’s Sexism, Misogyny

Getting straight on marriage

Peter Griffin at the blog Griffin’s Gadgets runs an amusing seriesCrazy science letter of the week.” You know – the cranks who write “Letters to the Editor” trying to put us straight about evolutionary and climate science. It’s worth checking them out.

Sometimes (but more rarely) there can also be letters that are the opposite. Real gems – witty, satirical, brief and to the point.

Here’s one from the Sydney Morning Herald. Part of a series commenting on the new Australian PM’s opposition to making same sex marriage legal (see Gillard needs to get it straight on gay marriage).

Gillard needs to get it straight on gay marriage

“Julia Gillard needs to get serious about equality between straights and gays. Maintaining the ban on gay marriage is a great first step. However, this oppressive institution still remains to the detriment of many straight men and women who fall for its false hope of domestic happiness and stability.

It’s about time the ban on marriage was extended to straights and not limited to a privileged minority.”

Ian Waters Surry Hills


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