Search Results for: Green et al

Anti-fluoridation propaganda now relies on only four studies. 2: Green et al (2019)

For part 1 of this series see Anti-fluoridation propaganda now relies on only four studies. 1: Bashash et al (2018). Paul Connett, director of the Fluoride Action Network (FAN), now claims “You only have to read four studies…” to come to the conclusion … Continue reading

Is New Zealand covertly supporting the glorification of neo-Nazism?

That’s what it looks like if we consider the changes in New Zealand’s voting behaviour at the UN General Assembly. This month New Zealand changed its voting behaviour on the annual resolution on “Combating glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other … Continue reading

Fluoridation contribution to heavy metals in drinking water is too low to measure

Anti-fluoridation activists claim fluoridation adds toxic heavy metals to drinking water because the fluoridation chemicals are “waste products” from industry (the phosphate fertiliser industry). Despite the fact that published research shows this not true. The activists rarely give evidence for … Continue reading

An open letter to Paul Connet and the anti-fluoride movement

Paul Connett and Vyvyan Howard have, through the local Fluoride Free New Zealand activist group, published an open letter addressed to NZ scientists and educators (see An Open Letter To NZ Scientists And Educators). It is strange to encourage scientific … Continue reading

Canadian studies confirm findings of Broadbent et al (2015) – fluoridation has no effect on child IQ

Readers may remember the scathing reaction of anti-fluoride campaigners to the paper of Broadbent et al (2015). This was the first paper to compare child and adult IQ levels for people living in fluoridated and unfluoridated areas. The anti-fluoride campaigners … Continue reading

When scientists get political: Lead fluoride-IQ researcher launches emotional attack on her scientific critics

It seems impossible to keep politics out of science. It’s a pity because politics can end up forcing science to produce the results desired by politicians. When this happens the ideal aim of science – the pursuit of objective knowledge … Continue reading

New study touted by anti-fluoridation campaigners actually indicates fluoridation is safe

Anti-fluoridation activists on social media seem to cite any scientific article about fluoride which they think will show it harmful. They usually rely only on information in the article title or abstract. This means they are often wrong as the … Continue reading

New review finds fluoride is not a developmental neurotoxicant at exposure levels relevant to fluoridation

A new extensive review of the scientific literature has concluded that fluoride is not a human developmental neurotoxicant at the current exposure levels in Europe. This is of course just as valid for New Zealand, the USA and other countries … Continue reading

Anti-fluoridation propaganda now relies on only four studies. 4: Till et al (2020)

For earlier articles in this series see: Part 1: Anti-fluoridation propaganda now relies on only four studies. 1: Bashash et al (2018). Part 2: Anti-fluoridation propaganda now relies on only four studies. 2: Green et al (2019). Part 3: Anti-fluoridation propaganda … Continue reading

Anti-fluoridation propaganda now relies on only four studies. 3: Riddell et al (2019)

For earlier articles in this series see: Part 1: Anti-fluoridation propaganda now relies on only four studies. 1: Bashash et al (2018). Part 2: Anti-fluoridation propaganda now relies on only four studies. 2: Green et al (2019). Paul Connett, director of … Continue reading